I’m a student of cross cultural everything and life long learning. Creating this space to journal what I’ve learnt from life and the wonderful people it’s sent my way. Been leaving a little bit of myself everywhere I’ve gone, and also carrying a bit of the lovely souls I’ve met along my journey :) I want you to think of this space as a really nice, post midnight conversation you’d have with a friend :p
Hello! Introductions are overrated. This whole website is about me so you can just switch through pages to get to know bits and pieces of me (and the wonderful people who will be featured here).
Sometimes I build new businesses from scratch and other times I work to improve businesses and the way they’re run so what’s a good word to describe what I do?
I’m also just a 22-year-old living, loving, and learning from life. As the place I was born and raised in, I’m mostly Lahore but also a little bit of Kunshan, Shanghai, Dubai, Beijing, Tianjin, Guangzhou, Zhengzhou, and Bangkok. Not sure what more areas I’ll be a blend of, but the nice thing is the world is raising me and that’s so insanely cool. I’ll talk about lessons I’ve learnt, experiences that are totally 100% not facts, and opinions I’ve had in the past and how they did or did not change.
Reach out here with your thoughts or if you want to chat about building ideas :)